On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 10:25 AM, John Burwell <jburw...@basho.com> wrote:
> Chiradeep,
> Please see my responses in-line below.
> Thanks,
> -John
> On Nov 20, 2012, at 9:33 PM, Chiradeep Vittal <chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com> 
> wrote:
>> I must give kudos on the document
>> (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/S3-backed+Secondary
>> +Storage ). Quite complete
>> If the intent is to make immutable assets (templates etc) visible across
>> all zones:
>> 1. Does the template_zone_ref table still make sense? Is it automatically
>> updated?
> Yes, the template_zone_ref table is still required.  Templates and ISOs must 
> be attached to a zone.  From my understanding of the system design, removing 
> this requirement would require a fundamental data model/architectural change. 
>  Therefore, cross zone templates are supported by creating a row in the 
> template_zone_ref table associating the template to the zone.  These 
> propigation operations are performed upon template and zone creation.  This 
> behavior pre-dates this patch.  This patch automates the operation of 
> propagating the data across zones.
> I have updated the data model section of the design document to describe the 
> data flow and role of each table.
>> 2. If I request a vm deployment from a template in a zone that has not yet
>> sync'ed, what is the behavior?
> The short answer is that S3 download behaves similarly to Swift downloads.  
> Templates and ISOs are downloaded from S3 to NFS on-demand.  When a template 
> is not found in the NFS volume, the system will attempt to downloaded it from 
> S3.  As noted in the design download, this on-demand behavior may create a 
> slight lag when a template is initially accessed in a zone dependent on the 
> available bandwidth between the SSVM and the S3-compatible store.
>> 3. If I add a zone is the sync automatic to the new zone
> Yes, per the template propagation and on-demand download behaviors described 
> above, templates and ISOs will automatically be available in a newly created 
> zones.
> I explained this process in the Architecture/Design section, and have updated 
> it based on on my response here.  Please let me know if it is needs further 
> clarification.
>> On 11/18/12 10:51 PM, "John Burwell" <jburw...@basho.com> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I have submitted the initial revision of a patch to support S3 backing
>>> NFS secondary storage (https://reviews.apache.org/r/8123/).  I have
>>> opened ticket CLOUDSTACK-509 to track the testing and delivery of the
>>> enhancement.  I have also created a design document in the wiki roughly
>>> following design document template.  Since I am not a committer, it did
>>> not seem appropriate for me to add a reference from the roadmap to the
>>> ticket.
>>> In its current state, I have tested the single zone template and ISO
>>> functionality on devcloud.  I am working to configure a multi-zone
>>> integration testing environment to complete all test scenarios outlined
>>> in the design document.  My plan is to refine the arch per community
>>> patch concurrently with the completion of integration testing and bug
>>> squashing.
>>> I look forward to your feedback,
>>> -John

Edison, Chiradeep, Rohit -

Can you guys spend some time on the latest proposed patch [1] to see
if the outstanding issues / questions have been resolved?  If it looks
good, we should get the changes committed to the master branch.  I'd
like to get this feature into the 4.1.0-incubating release.


[1] https://reviews.apache.org/r/8123/

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