Just to clarify. 
The purpose of finding pending events is to list any APIs initiated in the last 
x seconds(entry time) and are still not completed after running for at least y 
seconds (duration).
For example, To find events for APIs initiated in the last 24 hrs and are not 
completed after running for at least 30mins, entry time and duration would be 
as follows:

EntryTime = 86400
Duration = 3600

More info on Events: http://wiki.cloudstack.org/display/DesignDocs/Action+Events

Implementation details:
  1. Find all the events created in the last x seconds with start_id = 0 and 
not in Completed state, excluding the event started in the last y seconds
 2. Look for the corresponding Completed event
 3. Add to pending list if Completed event is not found. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Nitin Mehta [mailto:nitin.me...@citrix.com] 
Sent: Sunday, 9 December 2012 3:31 PM
To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Question on ListEventsCmd

Min - I will take a stab at this. See if this makes sense to you. I haven't 
used them but I think the intention of the code should be this.

If say you want to query events within a time range then you will use these 
parameter. Say at this point of time you want to get all the events that took 
place in the last 2 mins then you will mention entryTime = 120 and duration=0. 
I think the duration should be interpreted as end time and there reference is 
from current system time. So entry time means how many seconds before the 
current time and duration (end time) is how many seconds before the current 
In our example, since we want to query events that happened in the last 120 
secs I mention entry time as 120 and end time as 0 and as is clear the duration 
or the end time shouldn't exceed the entry time.

Please file documentation bugs and test if these params work as intended.


On 08-Dec-2012, at 5:07 AM, Min Chen wrote:

> Hi there,
> In refactoring ListEventsCmd api, I ran into the following code which is a 
> mystery to me, hope that somebody can explain here:
>        if ((entryTime != null) && (duration != null)) {
>            if (entryTime <= duration) {
>                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Entry time 
> must be greater than duration");
>            }
>            Calendar calMin = Calendar.getInstance();
>            Calendar calMax = Calendar.getInstance();
>            calMin.add(Calendar.SECOND, -entryTime);
>            calMax.add(Calendar.SECOND, -duration);
>            Date minTime = calMin.getTime();
>            Date maxTime = calMax.getTime();
>            sc.setParameters("state", 
> com.cloud.event.Event.State.Completed);
>            sc.setParameters("startId", 0);
>            sc.setParameters("createDate", minTime, maxTime);
>            List<EventJoinVO> startedEvents = 
> _eventJoinDao.searchAllEvents(sc, searchFilter);
>            List<EventJoinVO> pendingEvents = new 
> ArrayList<EventJoinVO>();
>            for (EventVO event : startedEvents) {
>                EventVO completedEvent = 
> _eventDao.findCompletedEvent(event.getId());
>                if (completedEvent == null) {
>                    pendingEvents.add(event);
>                }
>            }
>            return pendingEvents;
>        }
>   I have several questions here:
> 1. What are entryTime and duration parameters here? Based on API doc, here 
> are description on these two cmd parameters:
>     entryTime:  the time the event is entered
>     duration:   the duration of the event
>    But from code, it seems that they are both Integer type. So not sure how 
> to understand the entryTime and duration here, contradictory to my English 
> understanding.
> 2. In the code above, why must we have "Entry time must be greater than 
> duration"?
> 3. When user provides entryTime and duration parameters in the search, what 
> kind of events are we supposed to return here? I don't quite understand the 
> pendingEvents list we are constructing here.
>   Thanks
>   -min

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