Hi everyone,

This mail is to elaborate on this bug and to discuss on the possible

So the Bug is about the source template id . As the name suggests the
source template id is used to determine the source from which a template
is created or a vm is created. This can be used for billing purposes.

Current limitation: 
We cannot determine if a user has installed from the iso attached to it
or not.(if possible suggest a way to overcome this.)

problems arising form it:
Because of the above limitation we cannot detect if the user has
installed from the iso attached to it and update the source template id
accordingly. (If a user has installed from the iso attached to it. we
have to set the source template id to the id of the attached iso.) 

Here are some solutions considering the above mentioned limitation.

Solution 1.) Always set the source template id to template id or the iso
id from which the vm was initially created. In This case we know it for
sure that the vm was created or installed form this iso. 

Solution 2.) Set the source template id with the id of the last bootable
iso attached to the vm. In this case the assumption is that if a user
has attached the iso he has installed from it.

I prefer the first solution as we know for sure that the user has at
least installed form the iso once at the time of vm creation. In reset
of the case we never know.

So the open questions now are 

1.) Is there a way to overcome this limitation ?.
2.) What is the best possible solution to fix this bug ?.

Bharat Kumar.


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