On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 05:53:03PM -0500, Musayev, Ilya wrote: > Does anyone else experience this issue or is it just my luck? > > When I goto create a network, I have no options for NetworkOffering > eventhough one was created. > > There is also an option to create a network when you goto deployment > instance process, however, there are no networks defined (since non > exist) and when I attempt to create one, I get an error: > > Failed to create new network, unable to proceed to deploy VM. Error: > Unable to execute API command createnetwork due to invalid value. > Object network_offerings(uuid: undefined) does not exist. > > If I create network via cloudmonkey or API calls, it works then, but > as it stands, with Advanced Network Zone, I cant create networks in > the GUI. > > Personally have no issues running commands with APIs, but I think it > should be functional within GUI.
What is the breadcrumb path that you are using? Network > add guest network OR Infrastructure > Zones > PhysicalNetwork > Guest > Configure > add guest network? I may have got the paths wrong but I remember there being two of them. And the latter should work. -- Prasanna.,