My replies inline

Vijay V.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Nalley []
> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 7:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Integrating autoscale branch to master?
> On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 11:54 AM, Vijay Venkatachalam
> <> wrote:
> > Ok I will keep changes ready, and will merge once 4.0's news is declared.
> >
> > -Vijay V.
> >
> Vijay,
> I haven't kept up with this recently so a couple of questions/assumptions:
> 1. Autoscale code will require NetScaler libraries right?

There are 2 parts to autoscale code.
A. AutoScale Manager and its services, 
  This is part of the core. And has no No Netscaler jar dependency; 
  This part is coded like any other NetworkServiceManager, meaning any network 
  element can provide autoscale service.  So this part does not have compile 
  dependency with NetScaler jar.
  If an autoscale provider (which is most likely already an LB provider) does 
not exist 
  in that network an error is thrown at run time.
  So for all oss builds (where Netscaler is not packaged and cannot be added 
  to the infrastructure) we should get a run-time error when configuring 

B. NetScaler Element and Netscaler Resource (which is part of non-oss build 
     has been enhanced to provide autoscale capability. Today only 
     NetScaler does this, in future any network element can he enhanced 
     to provide autoscale. This part already has NetScaler jar dependency 
     (and is considered non-oss today)  and will continue to have NetScaler 
      jar dependency.

> 2. Is autoscale functionality modular enough that we can turn building it
> on/off at will?

Short Answer, No.
Since AutoScale is like an addon to LB there are touch- points. For example, 
when a LoadBalancerRule is deleted the AutoScale entities created for it 
also should be deleted, hence the dependency. 
Basically there is code in LB core to delete autoscale entities on the 
rule's delete path. Hence Part (A.) could not be modularized. Is there an 
alternative here?

Also, in the UI autoscale will appear as part of LB to the user and if he 
attempts to configure 
AutoScale in a network which does not have NetScaler; he will get a run-time 

> 3. Has there been any change to the netscaler java library licensing?
> I know there was work underway, but I never heard about a conclusion.

I am still chasing the legal team on this, but for the moment, we should 
to treat NetScaler as non-oss.
> --David

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