
Thank you for your response..


-----Original Message-----
From: Alena Prokharchyk [] 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: can i force expunge


What hypervisor do you have? CleanupNetworkRules command is invoked by 
SecurityGroupManager when clenaup SG for the expunged/crashed User vm. SG is 
supported on Xen/KVM machines only. I suspect that in your case SG mapping was 
created for the vm although your hypervisor doesn't support it. Check 
"security_group_vm_map" to see if there are references to the vms that fail to 

And the consistent failure in clenaup process will retain the vm in Destroyed 
state forever. As the workaround, I would suggest to delete the mappings for 
the VM from the DB table, and then vm expunge thread should clean up vm 
successfully. Deleting the vm from the DB w/o going through proper cleanup 
process might be dangerous as there can be existing DB entries referencing the 
object you've removed (or marked as removed).


On 11/12/12 2:47 PM, "Musayev, Ilya" <> wrote:

>I gave up on the wait, went ahead and deleted destroyed VM (which 
>should have been expunged) from DB.
>I was then able to delete the network..
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Musayev, Ilya []
>Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 5:31 PM
>Subject: RE: can i force expunge
>Yeah, that's less than idea - you wont recall what was done to release 
>those IPs?
>I also notice this in my log when it tries to expunge but fails:
>2012-11-12 17:28:12,995 DEBUG [agent.transport.Request]
>(DirectAgent-416:null) Seq 31-1309671426: Processing:  { Ans: , MgmtId:
>345051904793, via: 31, Ver: v1, Flags: 10, 
>[{"UnsupportedAnswer":{"result":false,"details":"Unsupported command 
>  Are you sure you 
>got the right type of server?","wait":0}}] }
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Caleb Call []
>Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 4:57 PM
>Subject: Re: can i force expunge
>Does it show your instances sitting in an expunge state?  I've had it 
>before not show the instances in that state (they get cleaned-up, but 
>the IPs don't), but it still thinks IPs are used.  Infact right now 
>this is the case on my management network.  It thinks 3 or 4 extra IPs 
>are actually used then what really is being used.  I've always had to 
>go in to the database and clean this up.
>On Nov 12, 2012, at 2:51 PM, "Musayev, Ilya" <> wrote:
>> Caleb
>> The network gc is already set to 600seconds - which I think is pretty 
>> The ms has been restarted..
>> Thanks
>> ilya
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Caleb Call []
>> Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 4:27 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: can i force expunge
>> Make sure you also drop the network.gc.interval and network.gc.wait 
>>in addition to expunge.delay and expunge.interval.  Also, this may be 
>>obvious but you also need to restart the ms for the new intervals to 
>>take affect.
>> Thanks
>> On Nov 12, 2012, at 2:11 PM, "Musayev, Ilya" <> wrote:
>>> Can I force expunge via API call or some other way?
>>> I lowered the expunge parameters in the GUI to 1800 seconds and 2 
>>>threads, but it hasn't worked for me.
>>> I have vms that are destroyed but not expunged - that are holding 
>>>the IP I need to release to delete the network.
>>> Thanks
>>> ilya

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