On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Chip Childers
<chip.child...@sungard.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:07 PM, Chip Childers
> <chip.child...@sungard.com> wrote:
>> Following up on the previous thread about this topic, I'd like to
>> propose the following release calendar for our next feature release.
>> First, note the subject tag of "[ASFCS41]".  I'm making 2 assumptions
>> right now.  First, that we should adopt semantic versioning for our
>> versioning scheme.  Second, that our next feature release will be
>> backward compatible with 4.0.0-incubating.  Note that I'm NOT
>> discussing bug fix releases below.  Shout if you disagree with either
>> assumption!

Agree with both of these assumptions.

>> Before the schedule, here's what I'm looking for people to think about
>> when reading this:
>> * Developers, does a 2 month window to get new stuff into a master for
>> the feature release work?  Do you think that this is enough time to
>> deal with the bugs that come out of testing?

I think that 2 month window is deceptive - it's two months for this
release, but becomes 4 months (or longer after that). We branch 4.1 on
31 December. So master on 12/31 becomes the master that will become
4.2, 4 months before we branch 4.2 - of course topic branches based on
master render much of the time limit discussion moot IMO.

>> * Docs contributors, does this give us enough time (assuming
>> concurrent development of docs for new features as much as possible)?

I think it does. I personally don't like the timeline as stated below
- and think docs freeze should mirror code freeze personally - and
should be developed concurrently. That said it's a personal
preference, and I won't argue against the below.

>> * Translators, can we get translation updates completed in this
>> window?  Also, should we be planning on getting more of our content
>> translated as part of the "feature development" of the next release
>> (hoping that we limited the end of release cycle translations to only
>> new strings / docs)?

We can if it's only the changes IMO - we probably need to do a better
job of focusing on getting the initial l10n work done ASAP - if we
have to do all of it, the window is not enough.

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