
There are lots of things that we can do with "Students" besides GSoC. 
Definitely talking at universities and in a student linux/java user group is 
one of them.

In general, I would say that students are shy with engaging a community of 
professionals, and may not be up to submitting patches, talking on lists, and 
IRC. You can find a few students here and there who would give valuable 
contribution to CloudStack but they will be few.

That said engaging students is a worthy endeavor. I was thinking we could 
develop an "EDU" area similar to what Google has done with 
http://code.google.com/edu , there www.google.com/edu is amazing but a bit far 
beyond reach right now.

Quite a bit of our content (docs, slideshare, youtube) could be refactored to 
provide useful lessons plans around cloud computing, and provide tutorials. 
This is why for example I am very interested in DevCloud, it's a dev 
environment but also a great teaching tool.

PS: Two examples of current collaboration with universities:

*I have been working with University of Florida to help them put CloudStack on 
the FutureGrid (A US project): https://portal.futuregrid.org/projects/250
Some of you might meet Mauricio Tsugawa at the collaboration conference.
*I am also working with a french engineering school who is using cloudstack as 
a capstone project: http://btrcloudstack.free.fr/btrCloudStack.php

I would be happy to work with anyone interested in this and help coordinate an 
education plan for our community.


On Nov 12, 2012, at 5:14 PM, Alex Karasulu <akaras...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 5:08 PM, David Nalley <da...@gnsa.us> wrote:
>>> Before going too deep into incentive programs, though, I'd encourage
>>> checking out Stormy Peters' talk: "Would you do it again for free?"
>>> http://stormyscorner.com/would-you-do-it-again-for-free
>>> tl;dr - incentive programs don't always wind up generating long-term
>>> involvement.
>> This is my concern with GSoC - while it has produced some rockstars
>> (and we even have someone who was involved in GSoC working on
>> CloudStack, my experience is that unless the folks were previously
>> involved with a project before GSoC they are gone after the fact,
>> which is a huge loss for the investment needed.
>> In general mentoring new folks is a huge timesink:
> For the same reasons some sited above and below I feel the same. I've seen
> 0% retention for GSoC students on the 4-5 projects I've seen take part in
> GSoC. This is unfortunate indeed.
>> If you look at the statistics pointed out by Dave Neary:
>> in the first half of this blog post:
>> http://blogs.gnome.org/bolsh/2011/05/31/effective-mentoring-programs/
>> You'll note that generally speaking they assume only 25% of mentored
>> individuals will stay around, and that for the project mentoring
>> students appears to be a net loss.
>> My personal experience with students in Fedora has been less than
>> encouraging, to the point I stopped my efforts in that area
>> altogether. My experience was that the people who were interested
>> would come looking on their own, would be easy to help, and would stay
>> around much longer; going out recruiting, particularly among student
>> populations (people who by definition are going through lots of change
>> in a very rapid time period, have shifting priorities, etc) rarely
>> yields any long term (more than a semester) contributors.
>> Not trying to discourage you (or even say you shouldn't do it) just a
>> heads up on some of the experiences of others.
> Ditto.
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> -- Alex

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