On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Joe Brockmeier <j...@zonker.net> wrote:
> Following up on the discussion last week (see:
> http://markmail.org/thread/jygtlrxv7pfgoumr)
> I raised the topic of analytics, and there were several questions about
> the hows and whys. So, taking into account the feedback, here's a
> specific proposal:
> - I will set up Piwik to for site analytics on cloudstack.org and
>   related subdomains. (e.g., docs.cloudstack.org when it's redirected to
>   the docs pages on incubating.apache.org.)
> - Access to the Piwik stats will be granted to committers and PPMC
>   members who are interested.
> - The Piwik features page gives an overview of what is tracked and can
>   be tracked. I will *disable* the live tracking features, and enable
>   the feature to anonymize visitor IPs.
> - Piwik privacy settings and opt-out will be enabled. (See:
>   http://piwik.org/privacy/)
> - We will make public some basic stats - specifically overall traffic
>   (page views) over time, top 10 pages.
> Thoughts, flames, comments?
> --
> Joe Brockmeier
> Twitter: @jzb
> http://dissociatedpress.net/

Still no expectation on what folks are going to be able to do with the
data. Is it considered private, public, can it be shared external to
the project, etc.


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