Hey all, This is your friendly weekly reminder that we will have our IRC meeting on Wednesday at 17:00 UTC. (Which is now 12:00 Eastern, 09:00 Pacific)
We meet in #cloudstack-meeting on Freenode. If you're new to the meetings, remember that the purpose for real-time meetings is for status reports and discussion only - topics that require a decision are always discussed and decided on the mailing list. The minutes from the previous meeting are here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+Meeting+7+November+2012+Minutes The logs are here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+Meeting+7+November+2012+Log We use Meetbot to keep meeting minutes. If you aren't familiar with Meetbot, the guide can be found here: http://meetbot.debian.net/Manual.html Best, Joe -- Joe Brockmeier Twitter: @jzb http://dissociatedpress.net/