U.S.-based folks: Time change involved due to Daylight Savings! 

This is your friendly reminder that we have a weekly IRC meeting this
Wednesday at 17:00 UTC.

That's now 12:00 Eastern, 09:00 Pacific. 

We meet in #cloudstack-meeting on Freenode. As always, I'd like to
remind folks new to the IRC meetings that the purpose is for discussion
in real time. Topics needing a project decision are always discussed and
decided on the mailing list. 

The minutes from the previous meeting were sent last week, but here's a
handy MarkMail link in case you missed it:


Full logs are on the wiki:


If you can't attend, feel free to send any agenda items or questions
ahead of time. In lieu of an agenda, we go around the channel by nick,
alpha order. 

We use Meetbot to keep meeting minutes. If you aren't familiar with
Meetbot, have a look at the guide here:



Joe Brockmeier
Twitter: @jzb

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