I'm frequently getting NPE while starting mgmt server. The old ant build system 
would create admin and system users while deploydb-ing. For maven, we call 
custom rules that the mysql plugin which then applies various sql files. I 
checked while this creates the system user but only when mgmt server is run, it 
won't create the admin user for me therefore when I try to run my mgmt server I 
get NPE from enableAdminUser(). Can anyone confirm this? I've opened an issue 
for this (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-441).

Hoping this is not my local env. which is causing the issue, how should we fix 
it? A solution would be to reuse the setup/db/deploy-db-dev.sh which deploys 
database for developers using the setup/db/server-setup.xml both of which end 
up in developer/target when one does: mvn -P developer -pl developer  
-Ddeploydb So, just use a exec plugin to set this up?

This worked for me:
mvn clean install -P developer
cd developer/target/db
sh deploy-db-dev.sh server-setup.xml


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