I'd like to call peoples attention to http://jenkins.cloudstack.org/job/nightly-smoke-kvm/1/console, what were looking at here is the culmination of some seriously awesome work. In brief, this is an automated setup that deploys the latest cloudstack (in a vm) and provisions 'fresh' hypervisors running on bare metal. Then marvin configures cloudstack and drives the testing! This is all integrated with and runs as a jenkins job. The gang responsible for this, Rohit, Edison and Prasanna... managed to scrape time in their lives, between all the code contribution/bug fixing, and got this up and running. Kudos, congrats and a sincere thank you!
This is also a call to the community at large to help expand the functional/automated test suites. Have a look in <source_tree>/test/integration/ and peruse the README's. -- Æ