
Can you give an example of which call you're talking about and point out the 
specific line of code you're having problem with?



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Meghna Kale []
> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 9:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: need help for test cases of api/commands
> Hi All,
> I was writing some test cases for the API layer
> api\src\com\cloud\api\commands.
> I facing some issue can someone help me.
> There are some service layer calls in the classes , I tried to mock the 
> service
> layer.
> The Service layer internally calls the DAO, rather than calling the mock DAO I
> was thinking  of returning the object from the service layer.
> But as the return value of the DAO is an interface in the service layer I'm 
> not
> able to mock the object and pass it on to the API layer.
> Is any other way or I will have to mock the DAO layer also ?
> -          Meghna.

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