Hi all,

Obviously we still have to actually pass a vote, and then pass another
vote within the IPMC, before we can call success with
4.0.0-incubating.  (And we may have to do this several more times,
depending on how things go.)  However, I think it's time to catch up
on work that's ongoing, ideas for what to do next, and to start to
plan out what our next community goals are.

Along those lines, perhaps we can all start communicating a little
better about where other work stands?  I'd like to ask folks that are
working on features / tools to kick off discussion threads for their
specific areas.  Questions that would be great to have answered
include:  How's the work going generally?  Are there any design
decisions that should be talked about?  Any help needed?

Examples that come to mind (in no order, and not exhaustive):

1- Adding more plugin capabilities to the core design (I assume this
is what the javelin branch is for)
3 - Event handling / message bus integration
4 - DevCloud changes
5 - Work demonstrated at Citrix Synergy (Cisco product integrations)
6 - Auto-scaling
7 - Host deployment feature

I'd also like to ask that we start proposing new features to the list
again (I know that some of this has continued, but I think it died
down a bit).  It's going to be important to start thinking about
timing of our next feature release soon (and to be time bound about
it), so I think we need to ensure that we're all sharing current
thoughts, status, etc...  And as always, feel free to let me know if
you disagree!

Thanks all,


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