Thanks for the feedback all. 

-We can rework the name to make more sense, perhaps panel preview.

-I like the glass effect too.

-We will investigate this more in terms of being able to select items from the 
preview. For now this is to help with usability in the manner that Jessica 

Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks You and Best Regards,

Sonny H. Chhen
Manager of User Interface & User Experience | Citrix Systems - CloudPlatform
4988 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA  95054, USA             

-----Original Message-----
From: Jessica Tomechak [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: History view

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sonny Chhen []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 2:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: Ui: History view
> Hello All,
> Below is a link to a description of a minor ui update we're calling 
> history view. This will allow you to rollover the breadcrumb and view 
> the panel information without needing to click on the corresponding 
> breadcrumb.
> ew
> As always, feedback is appreciated.
> Thanks You and Best Regards,
> Sonny H. Chhen
> Manager of User Interface & User Experience | Citrix Systems - 
> CloudPlatform
> 4988 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA  95054, USA
Hi Sonny,
I have 3 comments on it.

First, I like the way this lets me drill down without actually clicking. It is 
easier to quickly browse around the detail panels from one place. Users 
complain about getting lost in too many levels and having to click too much, 
and this combats that.

Second, I'm not sure "history view" describes it. To me, the feature is looking 
into the future -- what would happen if I clicked this breadcrumb?
-- rather than the past. I'd call it a preview, or "instant details" view, or 
something like that.

Third, I agree with David that seeing the buttons in the popup is confusing. 
Users will expect to be able to click them. Is there a way to erase them before 

Jessica T.
CloudStack Tech Pubs

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