Hi, Validated using Rhel 6.3 OSS build with hypervisor Xen 6.0.2 .
Basic , Advanced Zone Configuration and VM Life Cycle operations are validated using the build @ CloudStack-oss-4.0.0-701.tar . My vote is +1 . Thanks and Regards, Sailaja.M -----Original Message----- From: Chip Childers [mailto:chip.child...@sungard.com] Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2012 8:03 AM To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org Subject: [VOTE] Apache Cloudstack 4.0.0-incubating Release, second round Hi All, I would like to call a vote for Apache CloudStack (Incubating) Release 4.0.0-incubating (second round). We encourage the whole community to download and test these release artifacts, so that any critical issues can be resolved before the release is made. The more time that each individual spends reviewing the artifacts, the higher confidence we can have in both the release itself and our ability to pass an IPMC vote later on. Thanks to everyone who tested the release candidate during our last round, we have several critical fixes included in this new release candidate! Everyone is free to vote on this release, so please give it a shot. Instructions for Validating and Testing the artifacts can be found here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+4.0+test+procedure If you have any trouble setting up a test environment using the procedure above, please ask on the cloudstack-dev@i.a.o list. Someone will be sure to help, and we'll improve our test procedure documentation at the same time! Now, on to the specifics of what we are voting on... The following artifacts are up for the vote: http://people.apache.org/~chipchilders/dist/cloudstack/releases/4.0.0-incubating/ PGP release keys (signed using A99A5D58): http://people.apache.org/~chipchilders/dist/cloudstack/KEYS Branch: 4.0 Commit: 1217f5cd326c9a36d21b0136f76d77caceb09d84 List of changes: https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=incubator-cloudstack.git;a=blob_plain;f=CHANGES;hb=refs/heads/4.0 The artifacts being voted on during this round also include the following additional fixes (most were identified as part of testing during the last round of voting): * CLOUDSTACK-316: KVM Agent setup fails due to cloudbr0 set as public network interface * CLOUDSTACK-302: New features missing from the release notes publican doc * CLOUDSTACK-314: Citrix license header remains in test/integration/component/test_allocation_states.py * CLOUDSTACK-321: fix bug in cloud-set-guest-sshkey.in * CLOUDSTACK-326: Remove extra README, LICENSE and NOTICE files. * Our most recent localization resources imported for Russian, French and Portugese * The RAT configuration in the root pom.xml was corrected to match the master branch (it was incorrectly set to skip several folders) * The license header for patches/systemvm/debian/config/opt/cloud/bin/vpc_passwd_server was corrected. * CLOUDSTACK-327: Removed the incorrect Citrix license header from awsapi/src/com/cloud/bridge/io/DimeDelimitedInputStream.java * CLOUDSTACK-330: Correct Citrix information to be Apache in several .py files * CLOUDSTACK-331: ui/lib/excanvas.js is not accounted for in our LICENSE file * The source code archive format was converted to .tar.bz2 ONLY, reducing the amount of testing required for the release artifacts to just one copy of the source tree * CLOUDSTACK-329: Can't create rpms/debs from source tarball * Removed KEYS file from the source tree * CLOUDSTACK-325: AWS API - Port 7080 is not opened by default . This needs to be opened up for AWS calls to work. * CLOUDSTACK-334: Ubuntu packaging assumes presence of cloud user. * CLOUDSTACK-335: KVM VPC load balancer not working The vote will be open for 72 hours. For sanity in tallying the vote, can PPMC and IPMC members please be sure to indicate "(binding)" with their vote? [ ] +1 approve [ ] +0 no opinion [ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why) Thanks!