Chandan Purushothama created CLOUDSTACK-342:

             Summary: Unable to add Ubuntu KVM Host - Information on mgmt log 
mentions Cloud-setup-agent needs to be executed with root permissions
                 Key: CLOUDSTACK-342
             Project: CloudStack
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: Management Server
    Affects Versions: pre-4.0.0
            Reporter: Chandan Purushothama
             Fix For: pre-4.0.0

I tried to add a Ubuntu 12.04 KVM Host to the CloudStack Setup with the login 
credentials of the User "asf":

User "asf" has the following sudo-access privileges on the Ubuntu KVM host:
asf@Rack3Host17:/opt/cloud$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for asf:
Matching Defaults entries for asf on this host:

User asf may run the following commands on this host:
    (ALL : ALL) ALL

Management Server Log shows that cloud-setup-agent requires root permission for 

2012-10-13 20:12:43,193 INFO  [cloud.resource.ResourceManagerImpl] 
(catalina-exec-7:null) Trying to add a new host at in data 
center 1
2012-10-13 20:12:43,318 DEBUG [utils.ssh.SSHCmdHelper] (catalina-exec-7:null) 
Executing cmd: lsmod|grep kvm
2012-10-13 20:12:44,617 DEBUG [utils.ssh.SSHCmdHelper] (catalina-exec-7:null) 
lsmod|grep kvm output:kvm_intel             137721  0
kvm                   415549  1 kvm_intel
2012-10-13 20:12:45,629 DEBUG [utils.ssh.SSHCmdHelper] (catalina-exec-7:null) 
Executing cmd: cloud-setup-agent  -m -z 1 -p 1 -c 2 -g 
6ec9661e-6a5e-3bf0-bcba-bb602fa5e9f4 -a --pubNic=asfbr0 --prvNic=asfbr0 
2012-10-13 20:12:46,772 DEBUG [utils.ssh.SSHCmdHelper] (catalina-exec-7:null) 
cloud-setup-agent  -m -z 1 -p 1 -c 2 -g 
6ec9661e-6a5e-3bf0-bcba-bb602fa5e9f4 -a --pubNic=asfbr0 --prvNic=asfbr0 
--guestNic=asfbr0 output:Starting to configure your system:
Need to execute with root permission

Kindly let me know if i missed any steps to be performed

Build Info:

This is the version information for the manifests in the JAR files.

Implementation_Version:                           2.2.20121012230921

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