On 12-Oct-2012, at 11:42 AM, Hugo Trippaers <htrippa...@schubergphilis.com> 

> Op 9 okt. 2012 om 23:11 heeft "Wido den Hollander" <w...@widodh.nl> het 
> volgende geschreven:
>> On 10/09/2012 07:48 PM, Chip Childers wrote:
>>> On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 12:31 PM, David Nalley <da...@gnsa.us> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Chip Childers
>>>> <chip.child...@sungard.com> wrote:
>>>>> OK,
>>>>> So let me try to summarize the opinions here:
>>>>> We have a couple of folks that think it should be split back out, but
>>>>> more are erring on the side of keeping the functionality.
>>>>> Assuming that we keep the code in the ACS repo for now, the second
>>>>> question is one of packaging.  Wido proposed a "cloudbridge" package
>>>>> for this specific code.  I think that makes sense, in that it gives us
>>>>> options for breaking apart from CS in the future.
>>>>> Can we get some opinions about the packaging specific portion of the 
>>>>> issue now?
>>>> So we release source code - so from a release perspective I think it
>>>> makes next to no difference.
>>>> For the convenience binaries that are being built it might make a
>>>> tremendous amount of difference - up to an including functionality not
>>>> working
>>>> I'd specifically not want to substantially change RPMs at this stage.
>>>> Debs could have this broken out since it has never been there, but it
>>>> would all need to be tested.
>>>> --David
>>> OK, so let's move forward with this plan:
>>> 1 - Get the DEB package built (as a separate package).
>> This will be hard. Since we have a central control file for the Debian 
>> packaging it will be something like cloud-awsapi or cloud-bridge
>> In the spec file I saw that that cloud-awsapi is depending on cloud-deps, so 
>> that starts to tie it in with the rest of the code-base on a packaging level.
> With the maven build a lot of the dependency problems can be fixed per 
> sub-package. In fact lot of fixes in there already to make sure awsapi build 
> properly regardless of changes to other parts of the code. 
> As for packaging, the maven build is producing war files with all the deps 
> included. So there will be a dedicated set of dependencies for awsapi and 
> another set for management server etc. for packagers that should make it easy 
> to package each item separately with its dependencies. Most webapp class 
> loaders will look in its Web-inf/lib dir first before going to other places 
> preventing conflicts with different versions of libraries.
> This doesn't yet help us for 4.0, but the problem should just go away (just 
> like the deps directory) when people work on master again
> So -1 to split it off, makes more sense to keep it in the tree for me.

-1 to split it off;
Reverting my vote due to recent changes and my better understanding of maven 
build system on master.

>>> 2 - Test the AWS API via a DEB package installation
>>> We don't touch the RPM's now, since it's already been tested and (as
>>> of this morning) validated as working.
>>> Does someone want to pick up the DEB packaging for Wido (since I
>>> assume he's sleeping right now)?
>> Not a sleep yet :) I'll be offline soon though, but I can follow up on work 
>> done over night (for me) and continue in the morning on what Edison came up 
>> with.
>> Wido
>>> -chip

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