
I've been working on the Management Server and Hypervisor installation docs lately.

About everything was focused on RHEL/CentOS and around "install.sh"

There is still a lot of work to do, but I'd want to ask the QA team to test the documentation.

All my documentation is going into master and I hope this gets cherry picked into the 4.0 branch.

Take a look at: http://jenkins.cloudstack.org/view/master/job/docs-master/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/Apache_CloudStack-4.0-cloudstack-en-US.pdf

Most of my works has gone into Chapter #2: Installation.

The big changes:
* Document the Debian DEB repository
* No longer use "install.sh" but use Apt
* Don't let cloud-setup-agent do everything, but document the steps needed to be done (libvirt, firewall, apparmor, selinux)
* Make the documentation useable on both RHEL and Ubuntu

I'll be working on this the whole week, so it will keep changing these days.

Also, Chip is sending out RC3 tomorrow, so I'll update the packages on the Ubuntu repository to RC3 by then as well.

Setting up the RPM mirror is something to be done, hopefully this week as well.

Any comments or thoughts? Hopefully I'm in the good direction!


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