Hey, Just been browsing through the JIRA tickets for the ongoing configuration licensing checks. Great work!
I did just want to add that when we have established that a file is a derivative work (but we can keep it because the license is compatible) then we do need to note this somewhere, along with author. Even if the file has been placed into the public domain, or we have been given permission to include it. Here's an example of us being told that a configuration file can be regarded as being the public domain: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-146 To quote ASF policy[1]: "Many of these licenses have specific attribution terms that need to be adhered to, for example CC-A, often by adding them to the NOTICE file. Ensure you are doing this when including these works. [...] Works in the public domain (or covered by a license treated similarly) may be included within Apache products. Attribution is required (in a similar fashion to permissive licenses)." Perhaps something like this could be added to NOTICE: This product also includes the following third-party components: * vpcdnsmasq.conf (http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html) Public domain, Simon Kelley And then for another file which actually retains copyright, we could add: * foo.conf (http://example.org/foo) Copyright 2012, Some Author This format is taken from: https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=couchdb.git;a=blob_plain;f=NOTICE;hb=HEAD Thanks, -- NS