Joe and all,

I looked this up a bit. It turns out last year, all virtualization and cloud 
dev room proposals got merged into one:

They actually encourage submission from multiple projects.

I also learned that Openstack has already submitted a devroom request for this 
2013 fosdem, they mentioned that they were willing to merge with other 
virt/cloud proposals.

I talked to the Opennebula folks and they are open to a common 
cloudstack/opennebula devroom submission.

It seems best to do this combined submission, keeping in mind that it will 
likely be merged with the openstack one.

If nobody objects, I am happy to submit a dev-room request for CloudStack in 
partnership with Opennebula.

Once accepted there will be a call for papers from individual contributors.

I can hear the flames already ? :)


On Sep 21, 2012, at 12:07 AM, Joe Brockmeier wrote:

> Hey all,
> I know FOSDEM probably seems like it's a long way off, what with being
> in February and all - but the call for developer rooms (devrooms) is 
> fast approaching. 
> The last day to submit a devroom proposal is October 1st. I won't be
> attending FOSDEM, but it's a pretty important FOSS conference for folks
> in Europe and we should definitely have a presence there.
> See here for more:
> Best, 
> Joe
> -- 
> Joe Brockmeier
> Twitter: @jzb

-Sebastien Goasguen
Cloud Computing Evangelist, Citrix EMEA

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