Hi James,

I have been using devcloud and was testing the build but I never got around to 
solve the last few issues, somehow the box it created never had the xen kernel 
even though the puppet recipes seemed fine. There was also an issue with the 
root password not being set properly. There was also an issue with veewee not 
having the ubuntu 12.04.1 templates, but it seems to have been fixed.
I will be happy to help you test it.


On Sep 20, 2012, at 11:33 PM, James Martin wrote:

> Howdy folks.  Seems I sent this message to the old sourceforge list
> earlier, if you have a duplicate, apologies (thanks to the kind soul
> that pointed this out).
> I've been doing some work updating the devcloud puppet recipes --
> cleaning them up, making them at little easier to read, etc.  I wanted
> to make sure I was not duplicating anyone else's work before I
> proceeded further.  I'll submit a patch within a week or so if all is
> good.  Thanks!
> -James

-Sebastien Goasguen

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