On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 1:10 PM, Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@citrix.com> wrote:
> Thanks David for the comments. Alright, in that case, the non-compliant 
> packages can be shipped as non-oss.
> Regards.

I am not sure that having two packages (one oss and one nonoss)
satisfies the problem.

Consider the F5, VMware, NetApp, and Netscaler problem.

If I personally wanted to build packages using the tools you are going
to use (and everyone should be able to do this, right?)
I can consume F5 - it's open source, albeit not ASF-compliant, I have
no personal rights to the vmware, netapp or netscaler libraries. If I
am using your debian control files to build the nonoss-plugins, it's
going to fail because I don't have 3 of the 4 libraries necessary.
Besides, why did we go to all of the work of breaking this up if our
package build process requires them to all be present.


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