This is my view. I feel it is not necessary to append the build number and rc 
tag with the pre-release build. 

In CloudPlatform for every pre-release we are following 3.0.4-1, 3.0.4-2 etc. I 
think this denotes RC build.

3.0.4-0.<buildnumber> denotes normal build.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Nalley [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 11:04 AM
Cc:; Pradeep Soundararajan
Subject: Re: [ASF40]What release number should we choose?

On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 9:47 PM, Edison Su <> wrote:
> Refer to bug and patch 
> from, can we decide which release number 
> for the rc1 and formal release? Something like: 4.0.0-rc1.{build number}, 
> 4.0.0(for formal release)?

So one of the pain points we've had previously is that even the release 
variable can inhibit upgrade testing, etc. What we decided back then (pre-ASF) 
was that pre-release builds were always 3.0.0-0.#somenumber - the 0 denoting 
that it wasn't a release - this could easily be 3.0.0-0.rc1 provided that each 
later release of 3.0.0 is something that will evaluate higher that 0.rc1 (such 
as 0.rc2, or


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