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(Updated Sept. 11, 2012, 2:32 p.m.)

Review request for cloudstack and Nitin Mehta.

Summary (updated)

Sumarry of changes: Changed the function addTemplateToZone 
VMTemplateDaoImpl.java. This was needed as the previous version tried to update 
the removed column of the row in template_zone_ref table in database. The 
removed column cannot be updated once it is set to some value other than NULL 


This bug fix (CS-14673) deals with the database aspects of template creation, 
this changes the way in which the entries are added and removed from 
template_zone_ref and template_host_ref.



  server/src/com/cloud/storage/dao/VMTemplateDaoImpl.java 2a0dfc8 
  server/src/com/cloud/template/HyervisorTemplateAdapter.java bdb89f6 
  server/src/com/cloud/template/TemplateManagerImpl.java 1e87de2 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/7018/diff/


I have tested this on the asf branch.


bharat kumar

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