@Kelcey Damage: (y)

2012/9/11 Kelcey Damage (BBITS) <kel...@bbits.ca>

> Here is something I have been working on... It is accurate for 3.0.2 and I
> will upgrade for 4.0.
> Please email me feedback for changes and content requests
> http://www.backbonetechnology.com/cloudstack
> Infrastructure Systems Architect
> www.backbonetechnology.com
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> kel...@bbits.ca
> address: 55 East 7th Ave, Vancouver, BC, V5T 1M4
> tel: +1 604 713 8560 ext:114
> fax: +1 604 605 0964
> skype: kelcey.damage
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kelcey Damage (BBITS) [mailto:kel...@bbits.ca]
> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 4:03 PM
> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org; 'CloudStack Users'
> Subject: RE: Need detail cloudstack networking document ???
> I might have something for you...
> Infrastructure Systems Architect
> www.backbonetechnology.com
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> kel...@bbits.ca
> address: 55 East 7th Ave, Vancouver, BC, V5T 1M4
> tel: +1 604 713 8560 ext:114
> fax: +1 604 605 0964
> skype: kelcey.damage
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clayton Weise [mailto:cwe...@iswest.net]
> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 3:52 PM
> To: 'CloudStack DeveloperList'; 'CloudStack Users'
> Subject: RE: Need detail cloudstack networking document ???
> There isn't much there in that regard.  Nothing that explains the
> relationship between network offerings, what isolated or shared networks
> are, when they are required, and what the difference between them are.
>  They are mentioned briefly in the admin guide but nothing that really
> describes them in any detail.
> I posted a question about this a while back and didn't hear back from
> anybody at CS.  Geoff Higginbottom from ShapeBlue was kind enough to
> respond with something he wrote (
> http://www.shapeblue.com/2012/05/01/cloudstack-networking-considerations/)
> and while it does a great job explaining the different networking models
> (basic and advanced) there is nothing that I am aware of which explains
> compute offerings, network offerings, and the various options available
> when creating a new network offering.
> I would be happy to write some documentation in for this on the wiki if I
> understood it better myself but it's still a mystery to me.  Does anybody
> know much about network offerings that could provide an overview of them?
>  Are there existing documents out there that we can reference?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chiradeep Vittal [mailto:chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com]
> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 10:39 AM
> To: CloudStack DeveloperList; CloudStack Users
> Subject: Re: Need detail cloudstack networking document ???
> Have you checked http://docs.cloudstack.org/CloudStack_Documentation
> On 9/10/12 12:53 AM, "Nguyễn Đình Việt" <viet...@viettel.com.vn> wrote:
> >Hi guy,
> >
> >I can not find any document that describe detail about cloudstack
> >networking (architecture, description, function of networking
> >offering... on GUI).
> >Can u
> >send me ?
> >
> >Thanks and bestregards!



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