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Can you raise a bug for this?

- Chiradeep Vittal

On Aug. 22, 2012, 4:46 a.m., Marcus Sorensen wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/6720/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Aug. 22, 2012, 4:46 a.m.)
> Review request for cloudstack.
> Description
> -------
> Latest master and 4.0 both successfully set VM password but can report false, 
> leading to no password returned. The code tries to save the password to every 
> userdata provider element (routers providing userdata service), and if any 
> attempt fails it reports an overall failure. The first thing that the 
> savePassword method does is to see if the supplied network is applicable to 
> the given userdata element, returning false if it doesn't, so result is set 
> to false pretty much every run of the for loop. 
> Since it only needs to succeed on the one router that provides userdata for 
> that VM, I'm changing it to return success if any attempt succeeds. The only 
> attempt that matters is the one router that is on the VM's default network, 
> and if savePassword succeeds then we've accomplished that.
> Diffs
> -----
>   server/src/com/cloud/vm/UserVmManagerImpl.java 6f6a754 
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/6720/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Tested latest 4.0 and master as of ce54bfa7fae560470d82f6d22545398cecb5294b, 
> UI now reports password rather than 'undefined'. 
> Thanks,
> Marcus Sorensen

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