Thanks to everybody for joining the weekly IRC meeting. I apologize for not 
getting an announcement out earlier this week, been a busy week for me.

We kept the discussion short and quick this week, more standing-meeting style. 
Meeting bot was missing, so summary/minutes were done by hand by me.

Meeting summary:

* ewanmellor says Release Candidate 1 is scheduled for a week from today

* ewanmellor says looks like licensing refactoring will be done unless 
something comes up

* ewanmellor says upgrade is still an issue that needs to be resolved before 

* ewanmellor says automated tests should be ready in time

* ewanmellor says legal-144 got approved, so we have permission to ship 
libvirt-java as an LGPL optional dependency.

* kdamage is working on images for the 4.0 documentation, is looking to place 
them on the wiki or a website so others can review (mailing list won't take 

* kdamage mentioned he's still working on his gluster code, those present came 
to consensus that this should be targeted for 4.1 release, not 4.0.

* wido reminded that libvirt-java is switching license to MIT at 0.4.9 which 
will be out "shortly." (in September). The CloudStack plan is to make it 
optional in 4.0, and add back once 0.4.9 is out

* wido says he's working on docs, taking out Citrix references, getting 
KVM/mgmt server install/configure 


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