
The restart network behaviour is different for advance and basic network. I've 
opened this improvement ticket:

In its description, I've mentioned the present behaviour and proposed an 
improvement for its behaviour on basic network.
The main agenda is to allow a way for the Admin to recreate (deleted) VRs. A 
way around is to create a new instance, but it's not elegant.

Please have a look at that and suggest/comment if that makes sense? Thanks.


On 21-Aug-2012, at 10:27 PM, Chiradeep Vittal <chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com> 

> On 8/20/12 10:26 PM, "Rohit Yadav" <rohit.ya...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 21-Aug-2012, at 2:52 AM, Chiradeep Vittal
>> <chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>> On 8/20/12 2:34 AM, "Rohit Yadav" <rohit.ya...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> A domr is checked for its existence and if it does not exist it is
>>>> created whenever an instance is launched. If I stop or stop and delete
>>>> the domr, HA won't recreate domr. Is it intentional or a bug?
>>> Are you doing this from the API?
>> No, trying to do this from the web app/client.
> The web app uses the API, so that is equivalent.
>>> If you are then, presumably you as the
>>> admin know what you are doing and do not want the VR to automagically
>>> recreate?
>> I agree, but don't we want to provide HA when domr VM crashes? How about
>> we introduce a force stop (by admin) Boolean to know if this was
>> intentional?
> HA does happen if the hypervisor reports that the VR has gone away when
> CloudStack thinks that it should be running.
>> At least after deletion, when the Admin user restarts the network they
>> should be recreated?
>>>> Further, when I restart the network after either stopping the domr or
>>>> stopping and deleting domr, restarting fails. From the surface the
>>>> problem is null is passed instead of the correct Pod, but I'm not sure.
>>> Looks like a bug to me
>> +1 Filed that here: http://bugs.cloudstack.org/browse/CS-16104
>> Regards,
>> Rohit

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