Hi Chiradeep,

On 21-Aug-2012, at 2:50 AM, Chiradeep Vittal <chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com> 
> On 8/16/12 2:41 AM, "Rohit Yadav" <rohit.ya...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> 1. Async Callback:
>> With bug http://bugs.cloudstack.org/browse/CS-15970 fixed, the
>> management server knows when router's redundant changed and CS re-applies
>> iptables rules when state changes from UNKNOWN (possible crash/reboot) to
> This may fix the issue at hand, but out-of-band operations on the VR is a
> generic problem.

These were related to the bug http://bugs.cloudstack.org/browse/CS-15907 which 
is resolved by design now, but I want to fix this in later versions. I agree 
with your comments on push mechanisms, see below.

>> 2. Pull mechanism:
>> On reboot, a script/daemon on the router pulls any updates or iptables
>> rules, but it won't work if management server is down.
> Also doesn't account for several other failure scenarios.
>> 3, Push mechanism:
>> CS periodically checks/resets/updates iptables rules etc. Cons: it's a
>> bad design.
> Not sure why you think this is a bad design.

I prefer event driven programming, but you're right it should work well.

> Every update to the virtual
> router gets a transaction id. You can design a background task to push
> updates to the VR whenever the txid is different from the database. This
> is similar to the design of the SecurityGroups feature. It isn't unlike a
> DB master-slave sync or in some respects to eventual consistency. You
> could even checksum the configuration to detect other inconsistencies.

We already have a background thread that periodically checks for redundant 
router status and gets values (Master, Backup or Unknown) every 30s (which may 
be reduced to a lower number for frequent polling, by admin).

We use state changes to push and reapply iptables rules. This becomes an event 
driven polling/push mechanism which can use txids/checksum as you suggest. Will 
work on it soon.

>> 4. Modifying VRRP [3] [4] such that when one of the routers goes away,
>> the other one will be responsible to re-apply iptables rules. Cons: when
>> both/all go down.
> Modifying GPL software is a non-starter in most cases.


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