For generating an installation package, it may need some more steps (take 
centos as an example):
1) build rpm
2) createrepo
3) cp Licenses and install shell script
4) tar and MD5

It would be better if it's included in build process or in document.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wido den Hollander [] 
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 4:49 PM
Subject: RPM and Deb packages creation


In "[DISCUSS] Please choose: The build system to use for 4.0" Mice Xia 

"A quick question here, now I cannot find any ant targets for rpm/deb 
creation, people have to use waf for this task. (please correct me if 
I'm wrong)
I wonder if this is in the scope of build process, if not, is there any 
document available?"

I figured this would be worth it's on thread.

$ dpkg-buildpackage

Just execute this command in the root directory of the repository and it 
will invoke Ant for building the JAR files and uses WAF to generate all 
the artifacts.

dpkg will generate .deb files on his part.

$ rpmbuild

Not sure, haven't really tried it.


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