> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chiradeep Vittal
> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 10:42 PM
> To: CloudStack DeveloperList
> Cc: Pranav Saxena; David Nalley; Vijay Venkatachalam; Alena Prokharchyk;
> Deepak Garg
> Subject: Re: AutoScale comments.....(WAS:RE: where features are
> developed was: Review Request: Merge Kelven's VPC code for Vmware into
> asf vpc branch)
> Can you address 3-6 ?
> >> 3. Any indexes at all on these new tables?

        Sure will introduce them as appropriate for each of the tables. 
        Will file a bug to track this as well.

> >> 4. autoscale_vmprofiles (and java class) should not have reference to
> >> snmp. We discussed why before, and alternatives to this design on
> >> this mailing list.

        Sorry I could not bring up that email back, but it was something like 
        key-value pair. 
        Could you please give a brief explanation of what is the alternative?
        Or if there is an example already in cloudstack can you point me to 

> >> 5. A lot of the changes to existing files are whitespace changes that
> >> are unrelated to the logic. Please avoid this.

        Sure will remove them and will configure my Eclipse IDE to avoid 
        this in future. Is there any other way?

> >> 6. Why is a Counter not a ControlledEntity but Condition is?

        Counter is at system level and is packaged by default/built-in or could 
        be added by root admin. But conditions are configured by tenants based
        on their use-case. For ex. CPU > 80

> >
> >> 8. The License header is not consistent (some with leading spaces,
> >> others
> >> without)
> >> 9. Not all files have the Apache license.
> >>
        Will look into it and do the needful.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Ram
> >

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