On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Joe Brockmeier <j...@zonker.net> wrote:
> As we're pushing to get to 4.0, I wonder if it might be helpful to have
> a real-time discussion at least once a week so people can report on
> their progress and answer questions in real time. (For example, I think
> it'd be helpful to have a docs discussion in real time.)
> At a minimum, it'd be good to have most of the folks who have items on
> the release checklist [1] present if possible.
> Since we're pretty well-distributed, it's going to be hard to find a
> time that works well for everyone. I've put up a Doodle page with a
> couple of suggestions. [2]
> Thoughts, comments, flames?

I think this is an excellent idea and hope it continues just as a
weekly meeting for the project just for folks to give status on
A couple of comments though:

* I assume since you are proposing this you are willing to act as
moderator, and make sure these meetings get announced, logged, and
summary and minutes get posted here. Perhaps we can even get meetbot
[1] or some analogue up and running to automate this at some point.
* I know everyone already knows this, but just to emphasize, decisions
can't be made there, they need to come back to the list. Of course
discussions can happen, questions can be asked, etc.
* If a lot of people aren't used to the multi-threaded, async method
that well attended IRC meetings take perhaps it is a good idea to
adopt some protocol - IRC meetings can be wonderful if you are used to
them, and bewildering if you are new to them, esp if there are a lot
of people present and talking. At the same time, you don't want to
burden the meeting with too much formality, so perhaps it's a wait and
implement if there are problems. Off the top of my head this is a
relatively common one that a number of projects have used [2]


[1] http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot/
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol

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