I received this inquiry from a conference organizer looking for users who are interested in presenting their experience with CloudStack at conferences in Latin America and Spain.
http://www.datacenterdynamics.com/conference If anyone is interested please contact Thandi Demanet <thandi.dema...@datacenterdynamics.com>. If you do take them up on the offer and needs further travel assistance let me know I might have some way to help reduce any financial burden associated with the travel. Regards, Mark <forwarded message> Dear Mark and David, My name is Thandi, I am the conference producer for DatacenterDynamics' Converged events in Latin America and Spain. I found this e-mail address on the CloudStack website and I hope that you will be able to help me. DatacenterDynamics is a hub for the data center community at global level. At the core of our company is our unique series of Converged events which deliver enhanced knowledge and networking opportunities to professionals who design, build and operate data centers. We currently hold over 50 events worldwide and are the leading peer-led data center conference and expo series. The company also comprises a magazine published in several region-specific editions, an extensive catalogue of data center training courses and in-depth research department. For more information about our company and events, please visit our website: http://www.datacenterdynamics.com/ I would be very interested in contacting a CloudStack end-user and inviting them to be keynote speakers at some of our events. It would be of great interest to our attendees to hear about a specific cloud computing projects, adressing its various forms, advantages, challenges, etc. This end-user would ideally not be in the data center or IT services sector. I saw for example on your website that Edmunds Inc. uses CloudStack, this would make for a very interesting case study I think. I would also be happy to put you, and any CloudStack users interested in taking part, in touch with the appropriate people at DCD for events in other regions. Could you perhaps recommend and put me in touch with someone? I believe our unique events would provide an ideal opportunity to increase awareness of CloudStack. Thank you in advance, I hope to hear back from you soon. Regards, Thandi -- Thandi Demanet Conference Producer www.datacenterdynamics.es <http://www.datacenterdynamics.es> DatacenterDynamics S.L. - Calle Alcala 4, 3a Planta, 28014 Madrid Madrid; +34 911331762 -FAX; +34917704051Movil; +34 619917249 Buenos Aires; +54-1166322083 Mexico DF; +52 55 46242437- Bogota; 57-13819338 Chile +56-25952931 --Lima+51-17071298 --Panama +5078365969 Skype: ThandiDCD LinkediIn: Grupo DatacenterDynamics en español Twitter: @dcdfocusesp <http://www.datacenterdynamics.es> Ponemos en su conocimiento, que los medios electrónicos de comunicación, como son el correo electrónico e Internet, no garantizan la confidencialidad ni integridad de la información transmitida. Por ello, el emisor de este mensaje no se hace responsable de la correcta recepción del mismo. De conformidad con la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, le informamos que los datos que nos ha facilitado y los que nos facilite en el futuro por cualquier medio serán incorporados a fichero/s automatizado/s de DATA CENTRE DYNAMICS SPAIN, S.L., con la finalidad de mantener relaciones con Vd. En todo momento podrá ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición dirigiendo un escrito firmado, acompañado de fotocopia de su DNI, a la dirección de esta entidad sita en Paseo de la Castellana 121, Esc. Izq. 5º C; 28046 Madrid (España) o a través de la dirección maria.seg...@datacenterdynamics.com Este mensaje podría contener información confidencial, privilegiada y sujeta al secreto profesional. Si usted no es el destinatario indicado en el mensaje, no realice copia del mismo ni lo envíe a ninguna persona. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, por favor contacte con el remitente y elimine el mensaje recibido de su ordenador. Las opiniones, conclusiones u otra información vertida en dichos correos electrónicos no se consideran en ningún modo respaldadas por la empresa.