On 08/09/2012 03:30 PM, David Nalley wrote:
My first idea is to get publican actually build some docs locally..
wido@wido-desktop:~/repos/cloudstack/docs$ publican build --formats test
--langs en-US --config=publican-all.cfg
Failed to load brand file:
/usr/share/publican/Common_Content/cloudstack/publican.cfg at
/usr/bin/publican line 647
The brand stuff is in publican-cloudstack.
This is how the job runs on Jenkins which takes care of the brand issues:
cp -R /usr/share/publican/Common_Content Common_Content
cp -R docs/publican-cloudstack Common_Content/cloudstack
(cd docs && publican build --config=publican-all.cfg --formats
html,pdf --langs en-US --common_content=$WORKSPACE/Common_Content)
Ah, thanks! That gets me a bit further:
Beginning work on en-US
Validation failed:
cloudstack.xml:6: validity error : Element book content does not follow
the DTD, expecting ((title , subtitle? , titleabbrev?)? , bookinfo? ,
(dedication | toc | lot | glossary | bibliography | preface | chapter |
reference | part | article | appendix | index | setindex | colophon)*),
got (bookinfo chapter chapter chapter chapter chapter chapter book
appendix )
Book_Info.xml:6: validity error : ID book-release-notes-3.0.4 already
Line 6 on both files:
<!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "cloudstack.ent">
The builds on Jenkins.cloudstack.org seem to have only some release
notes information?
And as the last question: What is the exact goal of the runbook? It will
have duplicate documentation as it seems. Do we continue with that? Or
was it intermediate?
And how do you build the runbook?
A lot of questions, I know!