Can you add the license headers to the newly created files?


On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 9:19 PM,  <> wrote:
> Updated Branches:
>   refs/heads/master f99ef5978 -> a25e20aff
> CS-15604, create Apache version of documentation.
> Add new documentation files on the topic of Provisioning.
> Project:
> Commit: 
> Tree: 
> Diff: 
> Branch: refs/heads/master
> Commit: a25e20affffa852c0e8d29021a2bdbd8c1013c63
> Parents: f99ef59
> Author: Jessica Tomechak <>
> Authored: Tue Jul 17 12:22:57 2012 -0700
> Committer: Jessica Tomechak <>
> Committed: Wed Aug 8 18:18:54 2012 -0700
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  docs/en-US/about-physical-networks.xml             |   24 +++++++++++
>  docs/en-US/about-pods.xml                          |   11 +++++-
>  docs/en-US/about-zones.xml                         |   32 +++++++++++++++
>  docs/en-US/advanced-zone-guest-ip-addresses.xml    |    9 ++++
>  docs/en-US/advanced-zone-network-traffic-types.xml |   16 +++++++
>  docs/en-US/advanced-zone-public-ip-addresses.xml   |    9 ++++
>  docs/en-US/basic-zone-guest-ip-addresses.xml       |    9 ++++
>  docs/en-US/basic-zone-network-traffic-types.xml    |   17 ++++++++
>  .../physical-network-configuration-settings.xml    |   18 ++++++++
>  docs/en-US/provisioning.xml                        |    2 +-
>  docs/en-US/system-reserved-ip-addresses.xml        |   20 +++++++++
>  11 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> diff --git a/docs/en-US/about-physical-networks.xml 
> b/docs/en-US/about-physical-networks.xml
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..3d18b89
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/docs/en-US/about-physical-networks.xml
> @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
> +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
> +<!DOCTYPE bookinfo PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" 
> "file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Publican/DocBook_DTD/docbookx.dtd" [
> +<!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "cloudstack.ent">
> +]>
> +<section id="about-physical-networks">
> +       <title>About Physical Networks</title>
> +    <para>Part of adding a zone is setting up the physical network. One or 
> (in an advanced zone) more physical networks can be associated with each 
> zone. The network corresponds to a NIC on the hypervisor host. Each physical 
> network can carry one or more types of network traffic. The choices of 
> traffic type for each network vary depending on whether you are creating a 
> zone with basic networking or advanced networking.</para>
> +    <para>A physical network is the actual network hardware and wiring in a 
> zone. A zone can have multiple physical networks. An administrator can:</para>
> +    <itemizedlist>
> +        <listitem><para>Add/Remove/Update physical networks in a 
> zone</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Configure VLANs on the physical 
> network</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Configure a name so the network can be recognized by 
> hypervisors</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Configure the service providers (firewalls, load 
> balancers, etc.) available on a physical network</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Configure the IP addresses trunked to a physical 
> network</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Specify what type of traffic is carried on the 
> physical network, as well as other properties like network 
> speed</para></listitem>
> +    </itemizedlist>
> +    <xi:include href="physical-network-configuration-settings.xml" 
> xmlns:xi=""; />
> +    <xi:include href="basic-zone-network-traffic-types.xml" 
> xmlns:xi=""; />
> +    <xi:include href="basic-zone-guest-ip-addresses.xml" 
> xmlns:xi=""; />
> +    <xi:include href="advanced-zone-network-traffic-types.xml" 
> xmlns:xi=""; />
> +    <xi:include href="advanced-zone-guest-ip-addresses.xml" 
> xmlns:xi=""; />
> +    <xi:include href="advanced-zone-public-ip-addresses.xml" 
> xmlns:xi=""; />
> +</section>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> diff --git a/docs/en-US/about-pods.xml b/docs/en-US/about-pods.xml
> index 2183ed6..711db6b 100644
> --- a/docs/en-US/about-pods.xml
> +++ b/docs/en-US/about-pods.xml
> @@ -24,5 +24,14 @@
>  <section id="about-pods">
>         <title>About Pods</title>
> -       <para>TODO</para>
> +    <para>A pod often represents a single rack. Hosts in the same pod are in 
> the same subnet.</para>
> +    <para>A pod is the second-largest organizational unit within a &PRODUCT; 
> deployment. Pods are contained within zones. Each zone can contain one or 
> more pods.</para>
> +    <para>Pods are not visible to the end user.</para>
> +    <para>A pod consists of one or more clusters of hosts and one or more 
> primary storage servers.</para>
> +    <mediaobject>
> +        <imageobject>
> +            <imagedata fileref="./images/pod-overview.png" />
> +        </imageobject>
> +        <textobject><phrase>pod-overview.png: Nested structure of a simple 
> pod</phrase></textobject>
> +    </mediaobject>
>  </section>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> diff --git a/docs/en-US/about-zones.xml b/docs/en-US/about-zones.xml
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..97d1b34
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/docs/en-US/about-zones.xml
> @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
> +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
> +<!DOCTYPE bookinfo PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" 
> "file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Publican/DocBook_DTD/docbookx.dtd" [
> +<!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "cloudstack.ent">
> +]>
> +<section id="about-zones">
> +       <title>About Zones</title>
> +    <para>A zone is the largest organizational unit within a &PRODUCT; 
> deployment. A zone typically corresponds to a single datacenter, although it 
> is permissible to have multiple zones in a datacenter. The benefit of 
> organizing infrastructure into zones is to provide physical isolation and 
> redundancy. For example, each zone can have its own power supply and network 
> uplink, and the zones can be widely separated geographically (though this is 
> not required).</para>
> +    <para>A zone consists of:</para>
> +    <itemizedlist>
> +        <listitem><para>One or more pods. Each pod contains one or more 
> clusters of hosts and one or more primary storage servers.</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Secondary storage, which is shared by all the pods 
> in the zone.</para></listitem>
> +    </itemizedlist>
> +    <mediaobject>
> +        <imageobject>
> +            <imagedata fileref="./images/zone-overview.png" />
> +        </imageobject>
> +        <textobject><phrase>pod-overview.png: Nested structure of a simple 
> pod</phrase></textobject>
> +    </mediaobject>
> +    <para>Zones are visible to the end user. When a user starts a guest VM, 
> the user must select a zone for their guest. Users might also be required to 
> copy their private templates to additional zones to enable creation of guest 
> VMs using their templates in those zones.</para>
> +    <para>Zones can be public or private.  Public zones are visible to all 
> users.  This means that any user may create a guest in that zone.  Private 
> zones are reserved for a specific domain.  Only users in that domain or its 
> subdomains may create guests in that zone.</para>
> +    <para>Hosts in the same zone are directly accessible to each other 
> without having to go through a firewall. Hosts in different zones can access 
> each other through statically configured VPN tunnels.</para>
> +    <para>For each zone, the administrator must decide the following.</para>
> +    <itemizedlist>
> +        <listitem><para>How many pods to place in a zone.</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>How many clusters to place in each 
> pod.</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>How many hosts to place in each 
> cluster.</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>How many primary storage servers to place in each 
> cluster and total capacity for the storage servers.</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>How much secondary storage to deploy in a 
> zone.</para></listitem>
> +    </itemizedlist>
> +    <para>When you add a new zone, you will be prompted to configure the 
> zone’s physical network and add the first pod, cluster, host, primary 
> storage, and secondary storage.</para>
> +</section>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> diff --git a/docs/en-US/advanced-zone-guest-ip-addresses.xml 
> b/docs/en-US/advanced-zone-guest-ip-addresses.xml
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..4b15183
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/docs/en-US/advanced-zone-guest-ip-addresses.xml
> @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
> +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" 
> "file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Publican/DocBook_DTD/docbookx.dtd" [
> +<!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "cloudstack.ent">
> +]>
> +<section id="advanced-zone-guest-ip-addresses">
> +    <title>Advanced Zone Guest IP Addresses</title>
> +    <para>When advanced networking is used, the administrator can create 
> additional networks for use by the guests.  These networks can span the zone 
> and be available to all accounts, or they can be scoped to a single account, 
> in which case only the named account may create guests that attach to these 
> networks.  The networks are defined by a VLAN ID, IP range, and gateway.  The 
> administrator may provision thousands of these networks if desired.</para>
> +</section>
> \ No newline at end of file
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> diff --git a/docs/en-US/advanced-zone-network-traffic-types.xml 
> b/docs/en-US/advanced-zone-network-traffic-types.xml
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..adf2d9f
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/docs/en-US/advanced-zone-network-traffic-types.xml
> @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
> +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" 
> "file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Publican/DocBook_DTD/docbookx.dtd" [
> +<!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "cloudstack.ent">
> +]>
> +<section id="advanced-zone-network-traffic-types">
> +       <title>Advanced Zone Network Traffic Types</title>
> +    <para>When advanced networking is used, there can be multiple physical 
> networks in the zone. Each physical network can carry one or more traffic 
> types, and  you need to let &PRODUCT; know which type of network traffic you 
> want each network to carry. The traffic types in an advanced zone are:</para>
> +    <itemizedlist>
> +        <listitem><para>Guest. When end users run VMs, they generate guest 
> traffic. The guest VMs communicate with each other over a network that can be 
> referred to as the guest network. This network can be isolated or shared. In 
> an isolated guest network, the administrator needs to reserve VLAN ranges to 
> provide isolation for each &PRODUCT; account’s network (potentially a large 
> number of VLANs). In a shared guest network, all guest VMs share a single 
> network.</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Management. When &PRODUCT;’s internal resources 
> communicate with each other, they generate management traffic. This includes 
> communication between hosts, system VMs (VMs used by &PRODUCT; to perform 
> various tasks in the cloud), and any other component that communicates 
> directly with the &PRODUCT; Management Server. You must configure the IP 
> range for the system VMs to use.</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Public. Public traffic is generated when VMs in the 
> cloud access the Internet. Publicly accessible IPs must be allocated for this 
> purpose. End users can use the &PRODUCT; UI to acquire these IPs to implement 
> NAT between their guest network and the public network, as described in 
> “Acquiring a New IP Address” in the Administration Guide.</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Storage. Traffic such as VM templates and snapshots, 
> which is sent between the secondary storage VM and secondary storage servers. 
> &PRODUCT; uses a separate Network Interface Controller (NIC) named storage 
> NIC for storage network traffic. Use of a storage NIC that always operates on 
> a high bandwidth network allows fast template and snapshot copying. You must 
> configure the IP range to use for the storage network.</para></listitem>
> +    </itemizedlist>
> +    <para>These traffic types can each be on a separate physical network, or 
> they can be combined with certain restrictions. When you use the Add Zone 
> wizard in the UI to create a new zone, you are guided into making only valid 
> choices.</para>
> +</section>
> \ No newline at end of file
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> diff --git a/docs/en-US/advanced-zone-public-ip-addresses.xml 
> b/docs/en-US/advanced-zone-public-ip-addresses.xml
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..2a38696
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/docs/en-US/advanced-zone-public-ip-addresses.xml
> @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
> +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" 
> "file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Publican/DocBook_DTD/docbookx.dtd" [
> +<!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "cloudstack.ent">
> +]>
> +<section id="advanced-zone-public-ip-addresses">
> +    <title>Advanced Zone Public IP Addresses</title>
> +    <para>When advanced networking is used, the administrator can create 
> additional networks for use by the guests.  These networks can span the zone 
> and be available to all accounts, or they can be scoped to a single account, 
> in which case only the named account may create guests that attach to these 
> networks.  The networks are defined by a VLAN ID, IP range, and gateway.  The 
> administrator may provision thousands of these networks if desired.</para>
> +</section>
> \ No newline at end of file
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> diff --git a/docs/en-US/basic-zone-guest-ip-addresses.xml 
> b/docs/en-US/basic-zone-guest-ip-addresses.xml
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..a29fffb
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/docs/en-US/basic-zone-guest-ip-addresses.xml
> @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
> +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" 
> "file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Publican/DocBook_DTD/docbookx.dtd" [
> +<!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "cloudstack.ent">
> +]>
> +<section id="basic-zone-guest-ip-addresses">
> +    <title>Basic Zone Guest IP Addresses</title>
> +    <para>When basic networking is used, CloudPlatform will assign IP 
> addresses in the CIDR of the pod to the guests in that pod.  The 
> administrator must add a Direct IP range on the pod for this purpose.  These 
> IPs are in the same VLAN as the hosts.</para>
> +</section>
> \ No newline at end of file
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> diff --git a/docs/en-US/basic-zone-network-traffic-types.xml 
> b/docs/en-US/basic-zone-network-traffic-types.xml
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..530fb0f
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/docs/en-US/basic-zone-network-traffic-types.xml
> @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
> +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" 
> "file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Publican/DocBook_DTD/docbookx.dtd" [
> +<!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "cloudstack.ent">
> +]>
> +<section id="basic-zone-network-traffic-types">
> +       <title>Basic Zone Network Traffic Types</title>
> +    <para>When basic networking is used, there can be only one physical 
> network in the zone. That physical network carries the following traffic 
> types:</para>
> +    <itemizedlist>
> +        <listitem><para>Guest. When end users run VMs, they generate guest 
> traffic. The guest VMs communicate with each other over a network that can be 
> referred to as the guest network. Each pod in a basic zone is a broadcast 
> domain, and therefore each pod has a different IP range for the guest 
> network. The administrator must configure the IP range for each 
> pod.</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Management. When &PRODUCT;’s internal resources 
> communicate with each other, they generate management traffic. This includes 
> communication between hosts, system VMs (VMs used by &PRODUCT; to perform 
> various tasks in the cloud), and any other component that communicates 
> directly with the &PRODUCT; Management Server. You must configure the IP 
> range for the system VMs to use.</para>
> +            <note><para>We strongly recommend the use of separate NICs for 
> management traffic and guest traffic.</para></note></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Public. Public traffic is generated when VMs in the 
> cloud access the Internet. Publicly accessible IPs must be allocated for this 
> purpose. End users can use the &PRODUCT; UI to acquire these IPs to implement 
> NAT between their guest network and the public network, as described in 
> Acquiring a New IP Address.</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Storage. Traffic such as VM templates and snapshots, 
> which is sent between the secondary storage VM and secondary storage servers. 
> &PRODUCT; uses a separate Network Interface Controller (NIC) named storage 
> NIC for storage network traffic. Use of a storage NIC that always operates on 
> a high bandwidth network allows fast template and snapshot copying. You must 
> configure the IP range to use for the storage network.</para></listitem>
> +    </itemizedlist>
> +    <para>In a basic network, configuring the physical network is fairly 
> straightforward. In most cases, you only need to configure one guest network 
> to carry traffic that is generated by guest VMs. If you use a NetScaler load 
> balancer and enable its elastic IP and elastic load balancing (EIP and ELB) 
> features, you must also configure a network to carry public traffic. 
> &PRODUCT; takes care of presenting the necessary network configuration steps 
> to you in the UI when you add a new zone.</para>
> +</section>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> diff --git a/docs/en-US/physical-network-configuration-settings.xml 
> b/docs/en-US/physical-network-configuration-settings.xml
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..e550984
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/docs/en-US/physical-network-configuration-settings.xml
> @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
> +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" 
> "file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Publican/DocBook_DTD/docbookx.dtd" [
> +<!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "cloudstack.ent">
> +]>
> +<section id="physical-network-configuration-settings">
> +       <title>Configurable Characteristics of Physical Networks</title>
> +    <para>&PRODUCT; provides configuration settings you can use to set up a 
> physical network in a zone, including:</para>
> +    <itemizedlist>
> +        <listitem><para>What type of network traffic it carries (guest, 
> public, management, storage)</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>VLANs</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Unique name that the hypervisor can use to find that 
> particular network</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Enabled or disabled. When a network is first set up, 
> it is disabled – not in use yet. The administrator sets the physical network  
> to enabled, and it begins to be used. The administrator can later disable the 
> network again, which prevents any new virtual networks from being created on 
> that physical network; the existing network traffic continues even though the 
> state is disabled.</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Speed</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Tags, so network offerings can be matched to 
> physical networks</para></listitem>
> +        <listitem><para>Isolation method</para></listitem>
> +    </itemizedlist>
> +</section>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> diff --git a/docs/en-US/provisioning.xml b/docs/en-US/provisioning.xml
> index 1730958..957bc1e 100644
> --- a/docs/en-US/provisioning.xml
> +++ b/docs/en-US/provisioning.xml
> @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
>         <title>Provisioning Your Cloud Infrastructure</title>
>         <xi:include href="cloud-infrastructure-concepts.xml" 
> xmlns:xi=""/>
>      <xi:include href="provisioning-steps.xml" 
> xmlns:xi=""/>
> -</chapter>
> \ No newline at end of file
> +</chapter>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> diff --git a/docs/en-US/system-reserved-ip-addresses.xml 
> b/docs/en-US/system-reserved-ip-addresses.xml
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..aadd2d7
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/docs/en-US/system-reserved-ip-addresses.xml
> @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
> +<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" 
> "file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Publican/DocBook_DTD/docbookx.dtd" [
> +<!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "cloudstack.ent">
> +]>
> +<section id="system-reserved-ip-addresses">
> +    <title>System Reserved IP Addresses</title>
> +    <para>In each zone, you need to configure a range of reserved IP 
> addresses for the management network. This network carries communication 
> between the CloudPlatform Management Server and various system VMs, such as 
> Secondary Storage VMs, Console Proxy VMs, and DHCP. </para>
> +    <para>The reserved IP addresses must be unique across the cloud. You 
> cannot, for example, have a host in one zone which has the same private IP 
> address as a host in another zone.</para>
> +    <para>The hosts in a pod are assigned private IP addresses.  These are 
> typically RFC1918 addresses.  The Console Proxy and Secondary Storage system 
> VMs are also allocated private IP addresses in the CIDR of the pod that they 
> are created in.</para>
> +    <para>Make sure computing servers and Management Servers use IP 
> addresses outside of the System Reserved IP range. For example, suppose the 
> System Reserved IP range starts at and ends at 
> CloudPlatform can use .2 to .7 for System VMs. This leaves the rest of the 
> pod CIDR, from .8 to .254, for the Management Server and hypervisor 
> hosts.</para>
> +    <para><emphasis role="bold">In all zones:</emphasis></para>
> +    <para>Provide private IPs for the system in each pod and provision them 
> in CloudPlatform.</para>
> +    <para>For KVM and XenServer, the recommended number of private IPs per 
> pod is one per host. If you expect a pod to grow, add enough private IPs now 
> to accommodate the growth.</para>
> +    <para><emphasis role="bold">In a zone that uses advanced 
> networking:</emphasis></para>
> +    <para>For vSphere with advanced networking, we recommend provisioning 
> enough private IPs for your total number of customers, plus enough for the 
> required CloudPlatform System VMs. Typically, about 10 additional IPs are 
> required for the System VMs. For more information about System VMs, see 
> Working with System Virtual Machines in the Administrator's Guide.</para>
> +    <para>When advanced networking is being used, the number of private IP 
> addresses available in each pod varies depending on which hypervisor is 
> running on the nodes in that pod. Citrix XenServer and KVM use link-local 
> addresses, which in theory provide more than 65,000 private IP addresses 
> within the address block. As the pod grows over time, this should be more 
> than enough for any reasonable number of hosts as well as IP addresses for 
> guest virtual routers. VMWare ESXi, by contrast uses any 
> administrator-specified subnetting scheme, and the typical administrator 
> provides only 255 IPs per pod. Since these are shared by physical machines, 
> the guest virtual router, and other entities, it is possible to run out of 
> private IPs when scaling up a pod whose nodes are running ESXi.</para>
> +    <para>To ensure adequate headroom to scale private IP space in an ESXi 
> pod that uses advanced networking, use one or more of the following 
> techniques:</para>
> +    <para>TODO</para>
> +</section>

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