Work started on this... but progress is exceptionally slow due to the
complexity of finding *where* and *how* we are using each item, plus
the challenge of determining the correct project URL and specific
license that applies to the copy we are using.

I've created the following files: NOTICE, LICENSE, NOTICE_BIN,
LICENSE_BIN  The "_BIN" indicates that this particular file is
intended for use in a binary distribution of the software, where
source distributions only need to include the basic NOTICE and LICENSE

Wiki page updated with a status column, and I've started to add
licenses and notices to the appropriate files.  I'm also indicating
rows as "system dependencies" when we've already set up the project to
use them that way (ex: paramiko is now out of our source tree, and is
pulled in via the spec/deb files).


On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 4:45 PM, Chip Childers <> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Ewan Mellor <> wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Chip Childers []
>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 12:06 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Added NOTICE, LICENSE and DISCLAIMER files to the root
>>> directory
>>> I've taken the step to add NOTICE, LICENSE and DISCLAIMER files to the
>>> root directory.  The NOTICE and LICENSE files need to be populated for
>>> all external licenses that we are using.
>>> Starting to go down the path of getting those files in shape, I
>>> started to take a look through the dependencies wiki page [1].  I
>>> think we might need to review our status on this front.
>>> Has anyone correlated the table rows on the page to Bugs yet?  Or is
>>> someone in Citrix perhaps tracking this somewhere else?  If both
>>> answers are no, I'll try to do a line by line review to figure out our
>>> current status for each item...  I just didn't want to waste the time
>>> if someone else has better status information already available.
>> Pradeep filed some bugs, but no I don't think anyone's done that 
>> line-by-line.  We don't have any private tracking for this -- everything is 
>> either on that wiki page or in Jira.
>> It would be very much appreciated if you went down line-by-line and figured 
>> out where we are.  It's a job that's been on my queue for a while now.
>> Thanks,
>> Ewan.
> I have time tomorrow morning to get started on it then...  I'll update
> the list with specific questions, and put a status column on each row.
> -chip

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