Hi Chiradeep, I'm about to write a unit test for CS-15609, as you suggested in the review thread. However it seems a little bit heavy weight if follow the guide you posted: 1) About IoC, I had to inject all dependent DAOs/Managers for the class under test, even if I want to test one method which needs only one or two DAOs. Does it fit the convention to bypass the IoC and directly create dependency I needed? suppose I dont need it get configured or started automatically. 2) About mocks/stubs, I know mockito is removed from tree, but without a mock utility, it is lengthy to create stub method. Any chance that we can bring it back or find a replacement?
following is an example snip with mocks and without injector: StorageManager storageMgr = mock(StorageManager.class); doReturn(true).when(storageMgr).storagePoolHasEnoughSpace(Arrays.asList(volA), sp1); _firstFitPlanner._storageMgr = storageMgr; .... ... _firstFitPlanner.findPotentialDeploymentResources(....) assertTrue(...) Regards Mice 2012/7/27 Chiradeep Vittal <chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com> This has always been there. Just surfacing it. http://wiki.cloudstack.org/display/COMM/Unit+Testing+101