Edison (others),

I'd love if you would give the devcloud "build process" a try.  I
combined your veewee stuff, with puppet manifests that build a base
box, and then are used whenever devcloud is started from vagrant.

Basic instructions are here:

To build a "devcloud base box", run you need a system with VirtualBox
and rvm installed (use ruby 1.9.2).  Run build_vagrant_basebox.sh to
build the base box.

To use the "devcloud base box" that is created in the previous step,
you need to have installed a forked version of Vagrant (until we make
the changes plugins instead of direct source patches) that can be
found here:  https://github.com/chipchilders/vagrant

Once installed per the Vagrant installation process, run:

vagrant box add devcloud [path to devcloud.box]

Then, either go into the devcloudbox folder of your checked out
version of the CloudStack code
(incubator-cloudstack/tools/devcloud/devcloudbox), or copy the
contents of that folder to another location.

Assuming the patched Vagrant installation is working, you then simply
run "vagrant up" from within that directory.


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