
Just pitching in without context, but I have some code in the Nicira stuff that 
does that, provided the code uses httpclient in the back.



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On 3 aug. 2012, at 13:02, "Arve Paalsrud" <arve.paals...@bayonette.no> wrote:

> I have not been able to get a response from Jacob Gilley through a few 
> channels, so we should move forward replacing the XTrustProvider class. It's 
> not too big of a deal and shouldn't take long, but there are really not that 
> many ways to do it. The task is pretty much to accept any SSL certificates, 
> regardless if they are self-signed or from a root cert. I can't see that it 
> will require any special refactoring of the callers either.
> For further information of the source: 
> https://devcentral.f5.com/Community/GroupDetails/tabid/1082223/asg/51/aft/2279/showtab/groupforums/Default.aspx
> -Arve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chip Childers
> Sent: 1. august 2012 03:25
> Subject: Re: Official ASF process for re-writing code?
> Fantastic Arve!  Thanks for pitching in.
> -chip
> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 9:13 PM, Arve Paalsrud <arve.paals...@bayonette.no> 
> wrote:
>> This code snippet is written by Jacob Gilley in a forum thread over at F5 
>> Dev Central in 2005, and not F5 Network themselves. F5's version and the 
>> original code are identical - they've only added the copyright statements 
>> and optional GPL, so I've reached out to Jacob and asked if he's willing to 
>> release it under Apache.
>> Waiting for his reply.
>> -Arve
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Adrian Cole [mailto:fernc...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: 1. august 2012 02:57
>> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Official ASF process for re-writing code?
>> +1 (non-binding and certainly not official) for taking the opportunity 
>> +to
>> rewrite code as a chance to make things better, vs least efforts.
>> Code written more than several months prior can often be written better 
>> anyway (one hopes their skills age well :P).  Particularly, unit tests are a 
>> welcome great improvement whenever there's code to be "rewritten".  I'd go 
>> so far as to say code without unit tests are often time bombs that should be 
>> rewritten anyway.
>> -A
>> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 5:46 PM, Brett Porter <br...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On 01/08/2012, at 6:52 AM, Chip Childers <chip.child...@sungard.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Does anyone know the official ASF stance on what it means to 
>>>> "re-write" a section of code?
>>> There's no general answer to this - each case needs to be considered 
>>> separately. This was the closest I could find in the archives:
>>> http://s.apache.org/rewriting-code
>>>> Specifically, I was looking at the F5 code [1] that was found 
>>>> during license header changes (and is considered a release blocker bug 
>>>> [2]).
>>>> The code is actually quite trivial in nature, and I'm wondering 
>>>> what it would take to correctly write a replacement class file.  My 
>>>> assumption is that simply re-naming variables wouldn't work (and 
>>>> even if that was enough, there are only a handful of them in the file).
>>> I agree, renaming variables is definitely not right.
>>> In this case it is trivial (I googled and found a half-dozen examples 
>>> doing the same thing), so I'd say remove it and have someone 
>>> reimplement it. It may be better in these cases if they haven't seen 
>>> the original code, but not strictly necessary. It is probably a good 
>>> opportunity to refactor calling code too, if needed.
>>> In other cases, an option available is to ask the copyright holder if 
>>> they'd consider contributing/granting a license to a piece of code to 
>>> include here.
>>> Ultimately, we want to make sure we do the right thing by the authors 
>>> and that code here is intentionally contributed.
>>> HTH,
>>> Brett
>>> --
>>> Brett Porter
>>> br...@apache.org
>>> http://brettporter.wordpress.com/
>>> http://au.linkedin.com/in/brettporter
>>> http://twitter.com/brettporter

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