
I can vouch for vi java.  It's a much more rational API for VMware
integration than the native SDK, and we can always ask the author
(Steve Jin) for support if we need it.  He's a great guy, and really
does a good job with that project.  We use the library here at SunGard
almost exclusively when coding VMware integrations.

The license is BSD, so that should work for us.  It does drag in the
dom4j library as well, but that's BSD licensed too.

I'd be happy to represent this project in any discussion with Steve...
 He and I know each other at least a little bit.


[1] - http://vijava.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/vijava/trunk/License.txt

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 10:04 PM, David Nalley <da...@gnsa.us> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I know I keep beating this drum until it sounds absurd, but I
> discovered this blog post [1] today which reinforces to me that vijava
> might be a suitable alternative for the VMware SDK, and as a bonus
> gets rid of the proprietary licensing that the VMware SDK brings along
> with it. Obviously this would require some rework, and probably isn't
> a good candidate for any imminent upcoming release, but, for a release
> or two out, it might be reasonable.
> --David
> [1] http://www.doublecloud.org/2010/10/netapp-and-brocade-opt-for-vi-java-api/

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