On 7/29/12 9:31 PM, "Tommy Aditya Lawanto" <to...@wowrack.com> wrote:

>I'm getting this error when i try to get password from a vm using
>password-enabled template (through API) :
> [error] => No password for VM with id '70' found.
>I've tried resetting the password using management server, and it works
>fine. Right after the operation successful, a message box popped up,
>giving me the new password. However, when i try get the password using
>API command "getVMPassword", it always fail.
>How can I fix it?
>Best Regard !


The password is getting stored in the DB only when the user vm is deployed
using SshKeyPair. So only in this case you can use getVMPassword api to
retrieve the password. I'll make sure the documentation is updated for
this command in the future release.

In your case, if you forgot the password returned to you on the
confirmation box, you can always reset it using
resetPasswordForVirtualMachine API


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