On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 1:33 PM, Ewan Mellor <ewan.mel...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Chip Childers [mailto:chip.child...@sungard.com]
>> Sent: 27 July 2012 08:14
>> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: CloudStack 4.0 release plan
>> On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 11:08 AM, Wido den Hollander <w...@widodh.nl>
>> wrote:
>> > How are we going to decide what is going into 4.0 and not?
>> >
>> > Do we have a list of functionality what we want to see in 4.0?
>> >
>> > Wido
>> If memory serves me, I thought the list previously agreed that 4.0
>> would focus on meeting the licensing, IP, etc... requirements for ASF.
>>  I think that the new features are fantastic, but I'd prefer if we
>> remained very focused on getting to an official ASF release done
>> first.
>> This does beg the question though: how do we want to proceed with
>> future release planning and execution?
> Hi Chip,
> Yes, we are focussing on getting the licensing and IP issues addressed, but 
> it's taken much longer than anyone wanted to sort out the policy and legal 
> issues, and meanwhile there's tons of code being written by people and held 
> in feature branches.  The policy issues have become the long pole.
> What I really don't want is for Apache 4.0 to have fewer features than Citrix 
> 3.0.x.  That would just be broken.  But we have a whole team of people who 
> are still writing code, and they don't have anywhere official to put it while 
> these policy issues get sorted out.

Can the community help with the policy issues that you are talking
about?  I know some of us are working through licensing issues, but
I'm not sure what else you might be referring to (are these all on the
wiki page for license issues?).

I wasn't suggesting that new features not be added.  Obviously Citrix
(and others like Wido, etc...) are working on new features, based on
their personal or organizational priorities.  Don't stop!  I was just
pointing out that we had agreed that ASF licensing / legal issues were
the priority for 4.0.  If there is an in-progress feature that isn't
completed by the time we are ready legally, then I was assuming that
it doesn't ship with 4.0.

> My proposal is to have the 4.0 release be time-based -- we ship as soon as we 
> are legally able -- and to take whichever features are written and stable at 
> that point.  We're nearly ready to go (my proposal was only two more weeks of 
> feature development before we go into stability-and-bugfixing) so that would 
> mean that the feature set is whatever code is ready or nearly ready today.  
> Wido's RBD code went in yesterday, we've got a few more bits of refactoring 
> to do for policy reasons, and there's Alena's VPC branch and the autoscale 
> branch almost ready for review.  If we want to ship our first official 
> release as soon as it is ready (and I do) then that pretty much covers it in 
> terms of features.

+1 - We're in agreement then!

> In terms of future planning, that's a conversation I was hoping to start next 
> week.  We need to decide on whether we're doing feature-driven releases or 
> time-based ones (my preference is time-based, but I'm open to arguments about 
> that) and then we need to decide on a release cadence, a mechanism for 
> feature proposal and review, and whether we're going to have long-term stable 
> branches and if so who would be prepared to maintain them.

To David's point, we agreed on time-based releases (once we get to 4.0).


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