We had a great event on last Saturday in Tokyo, Japan. Will and Sheng explained the detail architecture of CloudStack, how to use CloudStack API, customize CloudStack UI, setup dev environment, etc.. here. I want to share all resources they used here.
Special thanks to Will and Sheng. 1. Docs (English) - CloudStack Architecture Future (Sheng Liang) http://www.slideshare.net/kkitase/cloudstack-architecture-future - CloudStack Developer Day (Will Chang) http://www.slideshare.net/kkitase/cloudstackdeveloperday 2. Video (English) -- Upload later to youtube. - Intro to Networking Deep Dive - Current Software Architecture - CloudStack Architecture Future - Customizing User Interface - Working with the API - Apache CloudStack - How to Contribute 3. Photos http://www.flickr.com/photos/kkitase/sets/72157630740805088/ 4. Togetter (Japanese) http://togetter.com/li/342510 Thanks Kimi