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(Updated July 16, 2012, 11:03 a.m.)

Review request for cloudstack and disheng su.


Updated the ant targets and renamed the setup script appropriately as per 
review comments.

ant run-marvin -Dmarvin.config="config/file" will not configure the zone as per 
the given configuration.

Description (updated)

Simplifying the process of running the simulator. 
    * ant run-simulator - will seed the simulator jar and start CS
    * ant run-marvin -Dmarvin.config="/path/config/file" - will configure a
    cloudstack as per the given configuration. marvin.config - defaults to a
    two host simulator in an advanced zone
    You can then connect your debugger over localhost:8787 or use the CS ui
    at localhost:8080/client for testing.

Diffs (updated)

  build/build-marvin.xml 687eb5c 
  build/build-tests.xml fdffe32 
  build/simulator.properties PRE-CREATION 
  tools/marvin/marvin/sandbox/README.txt 7efc190 
  tools/marvin/marvin/sandbox/demo/simulator/simulator.cfg PRE-CREATION 
  tools/marvin/marvin/sandbox/run-marvin.sh PRE-CREATION 
  tools/marvin/marvin/sandbox/testSetupSuccess.py PRE-CREATION 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/5929/diff/


Ran both the ant targets and launched a sample instance.


Prasanna Santhanam

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