It has been considered, not implemented yet

On 7/12/12 11:45 AM, "David Nalley" <> wrote:

>On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 2:42 PM, Chiradeep Vittal
><> wrote:
>> According to
>> 208bc6f8bfae03;hb=HEAD
>> All log files in /var/log/cloud that are older than 7 days will be
>> deleted.
>> Logrotate has been configured to roll over other system logs (e.g.,
>> HAProxy)
>So just a nitpicking tangent/question. Why do we maintain stateful
>data (logs) on VMs that are effectively designed to be
>stateless....should our preference become to send those off the VM to
>a syslog server (and make that a configuration option?) and not have
>any logs on the machine at all, or perhaps just a small subset (last
>24 hours incase things go horribly wrong and network or syslog server

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