Congratulations and Thank You for all your contributions to the CloudStack UI Olga.
Sonny H. Chhen Sr. Visual Designer | Citrix Systems - CloudPlatform 4988 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA -----Original Message----- From: Will Chan [] Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 4:34 PM To: Subject: new committer: Olga Smola The Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC) for Apache CloudStack has asked Olga Smola to become a committer and we are pleased to announce that she has accepted. Olga has already been an active contributor in fixing bugs in the CloudStack UI as well as participating in developer discussions on various CloudStack issues and features. We are glad that she has accepted to become a committer and are looking forward to having her work with the community in making sure the CloudStack project is a success. Being a committer enables easier contribution to the project since there is no need to go via the patch submission process. This should enable better productivity. Will Chan