Hi Edison,

This is very helpful for newbies like me.
However, I tried this according to the wiki page, but found some problems
listed below.
I managed to add a host, but couldn't even launch a VM due to the issue 3.

I hope this would help improve DevCloud.

1. ssh commands failed

   I got "com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: reject HostKey" when I tried some
ant r* targets.
   So, I worked around this with the patch attached.

2. rdeploydb didn't work

  Since many scripts uses --password option to pass in password and mysql
prompts you, many of the commands failed.

  I ended up ssh'ing to dom0 and did the equivalent db setup.

3. tiny Linux template is not in good status

 Status says "Unable to resolve nfs1.lab.vmops.com"...

 Is there any place from which I can download templates easily?



On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Edison Su <edison...@citrix.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
>    I created an all-in-one-box CloudStack development environment, name it
> as DevCloud. It's ready to download from
> http://download.cloud.com/templates/devcloud/DevCloud.ova and the
> document is put at http://wiki.cloudstack.org/display/comm/DevCloud.
>    If you are a CloudStack developer whose daily tasks are directly
> related to hypervisor, or are interested in CloudStack but don't want to
> setup a CloudStack environment by yourself, welcome to have a try.
>    Comments are welcome!
>    Note: the image is about 1.5G, the downloading may take a while.

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