
I was browsing through the clouddev commit and noticed that the xen.check.hvm 
parameter is no hardcoded to false:
 @@ public class XcpServerDiscoverer extends DiscovererBase implements 
Discoverer, L

         value = _params.get("xen.check.hvm");
-        _checkHvm = value == null ? true : Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
+        _checkHvm = false;
         _connPool = XenServerConnectionPool.getInstance();

         _agentMgr.registerForHostEvents(this, true, false, true);

I'm not sure if this is a good idea, the 'old' default is true and that makes 
it a conscious decision by the admin to allow non hvm boxes. If we want it like 
this should we remove the parameter completely?



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